Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Not Sure How to Do an Inspiration Board....

My original fashion idol from as far back as I can remember has always been (and will always be) the iconic Gwen Stefani. It began with a love for her music ( I still love No Doubt and will die the day they announce a reunion tour/ new album/ pretty much anything...) and how phenomenal she/they were live. From ages 11 to 19 I went to 7 No Doubt Concerts, dressed like a total Gwen-a-be every time.

She inspired me to buy doc martens, stud my bra straps, cut wifebeaters/ wear a man's undershirt at all, rock studded belts, dye my hair pink, and....apply some serious eyeliner. Although I'm sure I gave my parents a few heart attacks, they always supported and allowed me to emulate Gwen. I have a few theories as to why. 1) (most likely) because given the other choices for female role models, she clearly reigns supreme 2) (less likely) she is so ef-ing cool 3) (probable) she displays an eclectic mix, but also a throwback to a more glamourous age. My parents probably accepted the studs and straps because it accompanied a full face of make-up, meticulously styled hair, red nails, and (aside from the midriff) little exposure of the goodies. I mean, when I was 14 it was 2000. Britney did a striptease......

Although I was never platinum blonde or nearly as tart-a-licious, I would say nearly 80% of everything I wore until about age 18 was influenced by the Great One. (Years 18-21 should be for all purposes forgotten. college + sorority + southern zip code= irreparable fashion mistakes/total sheepism. pastel collars were popped and sweatpants were tucked into uggs.)

Furthermore, she not only made most of her clothes in the early days of No Doubt ( I suggest everyone youtube and watch vintage vh1 "behind the music" on No Doubt), but has a highly sucessful collection as a designer (which one day I will be able to afford). What still blows my mind is that Gwen HAS PERSONAL STYLE. She isn't styled, stylish, or a combination thereof. She is incredibly sexy and unique. She IS style.

If I was better with technology, I would have created a prettier and lengthier collage of photos; a rightful hommage to Gwen. Buuut, right now, this is what I got. One of these days I'll do a "best of" for the minxy Mrs. Rossdale. God, she is B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
p.s. I took clothing and construction in high school and every year we had different requirements of what to make. My sophomore year one req. was making a winter coat. Mine was amazing; a hot pink peacoat with houndstooth lining. Gwen inspired and totally rad. If I can find it I will certainly post a pic.

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