Yep. ManCandy has worked his way to "boyfriend" status.

First "official" shot. Well, not really...but the first one to make it on this piece of shit blog. The "White Party" was sooo fun. I had a blast, as did everyone else. Perfect weather, open bar, cake, good music, and stellar late night festivities. Yay! LegallyBlonde is uber-smitten!

Please. I'm not one of those gross pda types. If anything, I tend to down-play. My boss made a few quips at lunch the other day...."I can't tell if you really care about this guy or not. It's like if you lost him...It would be like losing your favorite pair of shoes; sad, almost irreplaceable, but you'd go shopping and get over it." See, I told you my boss was the man...so insightful.

Another thing that bewilders is my choice in celebrity crushes. I have alluded to this before, but I seriously think the oddest men are rip-my-shirt-off hot. Mmmmm sexy little Ryan Seacrest.

Jeff Goldblum.

ManCandy doesn't know it, but Conan definitely melts my butter, and personally, I think he and Conan have quite a few similar physical characteristics.....

I know he's a fudgepacker, but yeah.....he's sexy. Anderson Cooper. Very Hot Gay Man.

Jude Law. Hot Scumbag.

Cool as shit and hot. Apparently tipped a waiter $4,000.00 recently, owns his own Island in the Caribbean, and is still super down to earth. Johnny Depp is a gift.
Someone gets props for the photo and someone gets props for the shots. You know who you are.