Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Its shitty out today. Normally, I couldn't care less since I'm in cube nation 9-5, but I was seriously enjoying the gorgeous hot weather we've been having. Hopefully this weekend will be nice. I was such a waste of life on the beach Saturday. After my vodka fueled brunch, I sizzled on the beach for 7 hours. Now I'm a nice sweet potato/burnt sienna color and doubling my odds of skin cancer...yum.

ManCandy keeps my from hating my yuppie-reeking existence. P.S. http://www.mojohd.com/mojoseries/threesheets/ this show is awesome.

I'm also a firm believer in the idea that having the same vices makes a relationship stronger.

I need a real vacay....like out of the country.

I would give annnyyyythinggggg

So gorgeous. Well, I'll think about this when I get my tax refund/stimulus check next year.
Until then, things that don't make me hate life....

Its Best Not to Take Yourself Too Seriously...

Some pics displaying recent weekends of debauchery. This past one was pretty phenomenal as well. Upon viewing these, I can only conclude; 1) I have the most amazing friends in the world, 2) We like to party, 3) I will never be able to run for public office.

9 am.

I am in love with a 30 year old bro in a cover band. I need to find jesus.

Somehow, we're cool enough to get pulled on stage...either that or he thought we were with the shark.

Which I guess we kind of were.

Kate: Its hot.
Me: Beer's cold.
Kate: What?
Me: YYYYEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH. (pouring beer on my head)
Sotaally Tober....

Booze cruise. You are never too old to shotgun.

The bartender roommate.

My faves.

2 pm.

Me: Starboard?
Court: Get the fuck out of here. I'm not moving from this chair until things stop spinning.
Me: so...is that a no?
Court: Don't you dare take a picture, you bitch.
I win.
The pregame Friday night. I love. These are the things that get me through the week in my professional life.


Summer's not supposed to be stressful. I need to get my life together and figure out where the hell I'm going to live. I got 5 weeks.....

I desperately want to find a nice one bedroom...however, if/when I get a place by myself, I need a dog. I want the little nugget above.

Something with some big windows/natural light.

And a clean, pre-depression era bathroom....

Chalkboard paint is the shit.

I have no doubts to my interior decorating abilities....I just need to figure out the place!!!!