(*ok, by "meet" I mean stalking at a book signing....but whatev)

Now, most (cough, all) of my friends have not let me off without some ridicule. I understand that I am a 24 year old who is starstruck/borderline obsessed with another 24 year old, but I stand by my love/adoration of this "reality" star. This is not the first time I've been told by my friends to "check myself". There are quite a few other recent occasions where I've had to wrestle with my dignity:
1) Going to a Fall Out Boy concert with my friend and her little sister. I was going solely to see one of my favorite bands and possibly throw an elbow or two in the pit....my friend went as a guardian/babysitter for her twelve year old sister so her parents didn't have to endure the 4 "different" pop-punk-emo bands at the show. My "check yo-self" moment was when I realized not only was I the only person over the age of 21 as I sipped my $8 luke-warm miller lite, but that a group of brace-faced teens told me I had "such a cool outfit...did you get it at Delias?" as Miley Cyrus's brother's band totally "rocked out".
2) Going to see No Doubt for the 7th time on a Thursday night. The concert was sort of close to my office and started at 7:30. I saw no good reason to go home and come back in that short amount of time and my habitually late friend was supposed to meet me for drinks at 6:30 at a nearby bar. Changing into my doc martens, fishnets, a floral skirt ala kate moss, and a wife beater topped-off with bright red lip stick in my office was one thing. The raised eyebrows from the attorneys working late was not something I had prepared my self for...nor was I ready to walk 10 city blocks dressed in that attire because said habitually-late-friend went to 5th and market instead of 15th and market. Upon meeting her at the car, she was in jeans and an AA V-neck...this was my realization that just because I dressed like Gwen Stefani for her concerts when I was sixteen, I had to understand that it wasn't quite as cute or socially acceptable for walking into my go-to yuppie happy hour spot; and the bartender/suit-clad friends starting the "slow-clap" upon my entrance.
2) Going to see No Doubt for the 7th time on a Thursday night. The concert was sort of close to my office and started at 7:30. I saw no good reason to go home and come back in that short amount of time and my habitually late friend was supposed to meet me for drinks at 6:30 at a nearby bar. Changing into my doc martens, fishnets, a floral skirt ala kate moss, and a wife beater topped-off with bright red lip stick in my office was one thing. The raised eyebrows from the attorneys working late was not something I had prepared my self for...nor was I ready to walk 10 city blocks dressed in that attire because said habitually-late-friend went to 5th and market instead of 15th and market. Upon meeting her at the car, she was in jeans and an AA V-neck...this was my realization that just because I dressed like Gwen Stefani for her concerts when I was sixteen, I had to understand that it wasn't quite as cute or socially acceptable for walking into my go-to yuppie happy hour spot; and the bartender/suit-clad friends starting the "slow-clap" upon my entrance.
3) Halloween bar crawl 2009. I was having a blast as Lara Croft, complete with double leg holsters, guns and fingerless gloves. ManCandy was a "Hipster" of www.latfh.com fame. At one of the bars there were local radio/newspaper photogs snapping some of the more original costumes and low and behold, ManCandy, the "broadstreet bear" and I were snapped in a particularly classy frame...I, mid-shot, the others complete drunkface. Two days later we are on the cover of "spark" weekly, the entertainment/scene-y Delaware magazine. My parents were so proud to see their little girl clad in a booty-short-leg-holstler ensemble one fist-pump away from a Public Intoxication.

Dear LC:
I feel like I can call you LC because you and me are so much alike. I've always wanted to meet you, it would be great to go shopping. I know I'm not as rich and famous as you but I think you would be impressed with my fashion sense. I love your hair. You're really pretty. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all things we can talk about and more. I know you have not been getting my letters because I know you would write back if you did, and I hope you write back this time and we get to be good friends. I am sure our relationship would be a real "treat".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dleb_SHnAOw watch this clip...about 2:00 min in...you'll understand.