One of the many topics my besties and I debate regularly is how to get dressed for the night when going out. Now, we are not as retarded as that sounds, but really, it can be quite hard.

You see, we generally go out with 3 goals; 1) Have fun and get drunk, 2) Dance/enjoy the live band or non-shitty DJ or bar crowd 3) Hook up with a *hot guy. (*this basically means when we wake up next to you, you're not completely hideous and we may or may not want to talk to opposed to silently creeping, finding jettisoned garments, and getting the fuck out of there. Obviously, in order to lure us back you had to be somewhat funny (chicks totally dig that), buy us a drink (or several) and drinks for our friends, and look aesthetically appealing in our drunken choice can really help this. Nobody wants to wake up next to a balding bro, clearly ten years one's senior, in cargo shorts and Tevas in a Best Western.)

Anyhoo, the problem lies in the male/female concepts of "hotness" and "fashion". We do our hair and make-up, try to smell like delicious, and then put on something that just screams, "Look at how hot and cool I am." Then we take a bunch of pictures and rip shots...cause you know, we're trying to keep our figures and those chasers/mixers are totes extra calories. Guys, on the other hand, have completely different reasons for going out...#1 and only: getting poon, and doing whatever it takes to get it. They throw on clean clothing, something their mom/sister/ex told them they look good in, get cash out of the ATM, and baptise in Axe/Old Spice. By the way, fuck you Axe and your marketing. Axe smells like shit and no woman wants to rip your clothes off when wearing it. Anyway, guys do not give two shits about fashion*. (*Unless they are Gay) They do not have any concept of season, style, designers, or fabric. They know what looks hot and what doesn't. See photo above.

It is my opinion, 99% of guys would love women to walk around like this. In any male magazine, when they survey men on what looks best, its always the same: #1=naked, #2=sundress. Sundresses are totally generic, but I think guys like that they show some skin, but leave a little to the imagination. However, I would not necessarily consider sundresses on the cusp of fashion.

Here is an example of my argument. Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson appeared at the Espy Awards last night clad in something that can only be described “the exact same dress my 1970’s throwback Marie Osmond Barbie wears.” Shawn: a) Who is your stylist? b) Does your stylist hate you? Now if you were to show this picture to a guy, he'd probably say one of 2 things: a) she looks hot, or b) (if they're more picky/superficial/ass) she's a little chub/midge, but I'd do her.

But many of the ensembles we describe as fierce/hot/awesome, guys won't and don't understand. Molly Sims is hot (yeah tridelta!). This is such a cool dress and most girls will agree. But this dress makes men angry. They think, "Why is she covering up the good shit?" "Its so flashy and loud" or "Whats with the ruffles". See? So different.

Now here is the gray area. Plenty of guys would find this attractive. They don't understand the shades, or the boho-chic style/appeal. They see hot girl, think she could lose the funny glasses, and like the leggy-ness/simplicity of this. Meanwhile, we think "Who designed that? Where can I get one. OMG it's so flattering! She has such great style!"

Bros will never understand runway.

I (and plenty of other women) love Nicole Richie. She's adorable, has great style, and always looks so breezy. Guys, well, they don't. "Eat a sandwich!" or "What's with the cape?" or my favorite "The only good thing about that is the boots....but I still don't want to see her naked."

So Fierce. Right? Hardly. This leaves men with a giant WTF?

Another middle-ish ground look. Guys hate the flower and think SJP looks like a horse, but they can appreciate the "hooker heels" and body-hugging dress. Girls, meanwhile, think she is GOD.

This is what they want.

This is what we wear to show our "fun and quirky" personality. How many chicks have "nerd glasses"? Far too many. Oh, and it's not like we buy them to play out our "sexy secretary" fantasy.
This makes men pissed. Like, why did you take a hot girl and try to make her un-hot?

Sienna Miller dressing for guy attention.

Sienna Miller dressing for women attention/fashion sense. So the next time you're with the ladies, pregamming and getting ready, take a minute. Who are you dressing for? Are you really going to that bar/club to not attract male attention? I am by no means a feminist, but I definitely believe you should be who you are and wear whatever the fuck you want. However, for the purposes of seeking the interest of the other species, dating, and getting laid in general, think about your audience. They don't know Rhianna wore it 2 weeks ago in US Weekly, or that it's Phillip Lim/Balmain/American Apparel. They think of two things; 1) Is this girl hot/attractive, 2) Is what she's wearing make me want to see her naked more, or does it make me want to see her naked less (or is she deceiving my eyes with fashion trickery, and she might not actually be hot at all.....)