So, my move went well this weekend (since you're all wondering) but I'm still between places. Furniture and large appliances are in the new, purses, clothes, and make-up is all still at the old yeah. It sounds retarded, and
alot more chaotic than necessary, but I'm putting together/decorating the new place, sleeping at
ManCandy's and showering/getting ready in my vacant (and creepy) old apartment. Obviously, I've done this process ass backwards, which means I'm ironing my clothes on the floor and feeling like an idiot. Example: last night I decide I'm going to make easy mac for dinner....which really would be easy, unless you don't have a microwave....which is in the new apartment...
Doh. I ended up eating chips and
guac standing up in the kitchen and calling it gourmet. My new place doesn't have cable (or
Internet) yet, so I'm forced to watch
dvds while decorating/cleaning. After I blew through Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and 2 seasons of Entourage, I happily re-
acquainted myself with seasons 1-3 of the Hills. Am I a depraved human being for liking this show?

I have to give her credit. She's my age and has a best selling book, a fashion line (actually her own collection and co-designed a line for
Kohl's), and several pairs of
Louboutains. Does anyone know if she ever graduated from fashion school?
Ick Ick Ick. She apparently wants to be the next Britney Spears.
WTF is she wearing? Is this 1998?

Her performance at the Miss Universe this supposed to be "sexy"?

Is it me or are her rhinestone pants low in the crotch? I know she did Playboy (but didn't actually show anything) and it was one of the lowest selling issues ever...I wonder why?

Let's just get a quick reminder of what she looked like before her boob and nose jobs/

I obviously love
LC's style, but I also like her* (well, what I know of her as a character). She really hasn't changed all that much since the beginning of the show, and although she's not exploding with personality, she does seem like a decent person.

She sucks, but god, Olivia Palermo can dress.

I could take or leave
ok. Her style is
ok, her body (does she have implants?) is
ok, and she's pretty....not a knockout, but she can totally make it past her 15 minutes because she is attractive enough. I think half the reason she doesn't irritate me as much is because she shaved Lauren's cat. Yeah, hilarious story. Apparently Lauren's cat was really making
Audrina's allergies worse. So what did Mrs. Justin-Bobby do? She took the cat to get groomed and had it shaved....except for its it looked like Mr.
Biglesworth with
ugg boots. I didn't like her until I heard that story.

If she continues as a less annoying b-list actress, I will be
ok with that.

I actually love this look. I really can't wait to see what the Hills will be like with Kristen. I don't like her that much, but I am impressed she's been able to keep herself relevant since

I love this dress. Stephanie Pratt isn't the worst or the best thing that happened to the show, but her look has definitely improved since she first appeared. Stephanie lost the severe eyeliner and goofy bangs and dresses a little better. She is a total moron but could be quite funny in her stupidity, as well as making fun of her brother for being a douche.; ex: the hamster vs. guinea pig debate...or my favorite quote directed to Spencer, "Are you even trying to get a job? You're so lame and so homeless."

I loved this when Ashley Olsen was toting it around
alot last spring....
grrr Sold Out Alexander Wang in the hands of Kristen.

LC seems so normal....above with a friend on the 4
th of July.

I want her closet!!!!! She has impeccable style!!!

I don't mind Lo. She seems to be a genuine friend to LC and not in it for the fame or to boost her career. She graduated from a real university (UCLA), has boyfriend, and isn't always in the limelight/staging a photo-op. Her sense of style isn't really my thing per
se, but she at least looks pulled together whenever she is photographed.

I like Whitney and "the City" more and more. She's a little too squeaky clean for me sometimes, but she appears to actually work and really doesn't let the paparazzi rule her life.

Shaking the hand of a fan while out on a brunch date with her BF.

It almost makes me sad to know they're not friends in real life.

She never wears anything ground-
breakingly-awesome, but I wouldn't mind having her closet. I feel like I could cut out her face and replace it with 90% of my girlfriends' I could totally see her on the street and probably wouldn't know it was her...just some random

I think she's wearing this dress with sneakers...which is annoying, because I like the dress itself.

The City Girls Erin Lucas and Olivia Palermo. I like Erin's style....she seems pretty normal as well. I read an interview she did once after her she did some photos for Maxim...she was so candid and funny, I hope to see more of her "personality" this season.

In addition to her wardrobe, I'm jealous of her

So, what did I do on my lunch break today? I impulse purchased season 4. Someone help me.