Since its the end of January and all, I figured it's about time to give my poor blog a little love. I feel like a little part of me has died since I haven't been posting regularly. BUT new camera (thank god!!!!) and a new mac, the dire straights I was in seem far gone, and life appears to be getting exponentially better. So, in lieu of screaming "MY BLOG DEFINES ME" at a inappropriate time/location, woopty-woop first post of the new decade.

Quintessential pic of the Atlantic City trip. I only managed to lose $25 between 8 hours of roulette and blackjack...then a nice drunk drive home as the sun was rising...j/k....sorta.

Oh how I wish I could be in Paris for fashion week! Alas...not going to happen anytime soon...much less a vacay at all probably; but the days are slowly slowly getting longer and the winter sky today resembles this vanilla look. My next few weekends keep me posted in Philly, but I'm definitely feeling the need to call up my gal pals for a weekend in NYC soon.

Meet my new baby. Rescued her from the shelter about 3 weeks ago! She is the sweetest thing ever. "Ginger*" even lets me deck her out in doggie couture without complaint!

*Ginger is named so because I constantly refer to ManCandy as a daywalker. (Please go youtube the southpark ginger episode immediately if my word choice has lost you!) He is straddling the ginger-kid line, and refuses to accept his skin/hair color. I jokingly threw it out as possible name for the dog, and much to his chagrin, it stuck. Now he's not the only ginger in the house....(insert evil cackling...hheheheheheh)

Happy New Year!!!! I think the photos are in reverse order....starting from the end of the night....

DAS BOOT!!!! Our best attempt to re-enact Beer Fest....just make sure you turn the boot at the bubble!

My girl Suz and theroommate...obviously a midnight makeout was inevitable.

The Pyramid Club was pretty classy but had one major set back....
me: Bartender, I'd like 4 shots of patron.
Bartender: We don't do shots here.
me: (cough) Come again?
Bartender: We DON'T POUR SHOTS here. Sorry, drinks only.
me: Oh ok, you wanna play hardball. I have 4 patron on the rocks, 4 limes, that salt shaker back there....and an extra cup please.
Don't tell me I can't get take straight tequila to the face. Step 1: stick hand in highball. Step 2: grab ice. Step 3: deposit ice in extra cup. Step 4: lick hand/body part and sprinkle salt on it. Step 5: Grab lime and raise glass of hand-flavored patron.

Prom pic. Figured I get at least one picture of myself not looking completely hamboned.

Oh, and the ceremonial x-mas shot in front of the tree. Woop-woop. I guess ManCandy is no longer anonymous. New Years resolution: photography lesson. I don't know why I'm so shiny, and everything is so orange. It think its a lighting/exposure issue....or photographer error.....