YESSSS!!!! So, a "blizzard" just tore Philadelphia a new a-hole. Since the Mayor urged business owners to close (not to mention his "shutting down" of the city), my boss actually gave us a Snow Day!!! Although that was awesome and much hilarity ensued, my sorry ass slugged through 2 feet of snow and falling icicles bent on impaling me to work today (insert sad face).

This is not my kitchen, although I wish it was. Tuesday night (the start of the storm) we went out to the corner bar to "celebrate" the day off (well, prematurely celebrate). 5 glasses of wine and a fall that can only be described as "turtle on its back" later, I can say it was a pretty phenomenal little Tuesday. Wednesday, I began to get the itch of cabin fever and decided to spend the afternoon cooking as the snow continued to fall at an alarming rate. Around 6, the Betty Crocker high had worn off, and I was beginning to be convinced work might be actually be cancelled for Thursday (today). So, again we bundled up and basically walked around in search of an open watering hole. Surprise, there were plenty. While I sipped a beer or two, I watched in delight as ManCandy and his roommates got obliterated. Fortunately, I was there to witness the "wake-up of doom" as they realized not only was going to work a possibility, but that their cars were buried under 3 feet of snow, and public transportation was not really running.

I, on the other hand, felt like a million dollars and got to waltz in at noon. Aside from the trek across Siberia to get here, I have to say the mid-week break has been pretty efin sweet. I realized a few things; 1) daytime tv is really shitty. 2) there is always a loser in a snowball fight. 3) there is no distance I will not walk for beer. 4) girls are like, wayyyy better at planning for natural disasters. 5) I make some sweet-ass hash browns. 6) ManCandy is getting a lot of "homemade" Valentine's Day Surprises...and "homemade" = being snowed in + being poor.