Believe it or not, I do (at times) feel like a catty biatch/total "plastic" when I devote entire posts to celeb bashing/commentary, but the stupidity and audacity of some famous people continues to surprise/appall me.

I suppose fangs in the soul-sucking/flesh-eating sense are bad, but with the sexiness of True Blood and Twilight...Vampires are So Hot Right Now.

Ew. Miley Cyrus is teaming up with designer Max Azria to do a line for Walmart. BARF! I really really like Max Azria as a designer (BCBG)...and I know this project will be a cash cow, but please just study the subject above......

And Azria is capable of making such beautiful pieces (Resort 09 above)! I hope this pairing doesn't create too much of a disaster.....

Hey idiot, when you cheat on your hot girlfriend with some skank at a club in New York City, it might be easier to get away with if you WEREN'T EFING FAMOUS. JT was seen holding hands and kissing some mystery brunette last Monday night at Avenue lounge in Chelsea. Lezlo Whorehan, happened to be there, starving for attention as usual, and did what any decent person would do….take a picture and twitter about it. By the way, if Lindsay Lohan is questioning your moral integrity, you know you’re fucked.

Maybe the reason she narked out Justin Timberlake on Twitter had something to do with her pride being destroyed? Apparently earlier that night, she “tried to dance with Timberlake, but he shooed her away” according to reports. Hahahahahhaha.

Her birthday isn’t until Thursday, but Lindsay held a party for herself this weekend in Vegas at Wet Republic inside the MGM. Now, I’ve been to the Wet Republic and let me tell you…it might just be the classiest place in the world next to a Sisqo video shoot or Daytona Beach spring break….

I’m unsure what friends she has these days and who in their right mind would be seen associating with her if they were remotely famous so, it was a good idea to have a party at a place where there were already 2000 people. Only like three of them were there for Lindsay. She changed outfits 5 times, perhaps to give the appearance of 5 different guests. But if she wanted to reassure Hollywood that she’s still smokin hot, a pool in Vegas was a terrible idea.

Autopsy update!
The Sun reports…“…the singer was a virtual skeleton — barely eating and with only pills in his stomach at the time he died. His hips, thighs and shoulders were riddled with needle wounds — believed to be the result of injections of narcotic painkillers, given three times a day for years. He’d lost virtually all his hair … was wearing a wig when he died and pathologists said little more than ‘peach fuzz’ covered his scalp. The King of Pop’s once handsome face bore a network of plastic surgery scars, while the bridge to his nose had vanished and its right side had partially collapsed.” I mean, look at the pic this really all that surprising?

Kendra married Hank Baskett at the Playboy Mansion Saturday. It sure is the most beautiful shotgun I've seen in a while!
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