So my 3 day work week has been flying by! Have I mentioned how much I love living in Philly? I overslept a little today, but since I stroll to work these days, I hoofed it a little faster and still got in the office with time to spare! Tomorrow to Detroit!

Can't you hear the wedding bells? Speaking of which, I'm having a small freak out...What the hell do you wear to a wedding? Do you change if the ceremony (church) is in the morning and the reception at night? What do you wear to the rehearsal dinner? AAAHHHH!!!

Well....I won't replicate this faux pas....actual guests at the Montag-Pratt Wedding. Gew.
But I really wonder how conservative I should be in a church? Ugh...let's just say its been a while since I was in one.

And how formal is the reception? I know its at night....and that's about it. carpet formal?

I didn't have the time (or desire) to take pics of prospective choices. The winner (thus far) is very similar to above. Strapless, black (with some beige print) chiffon, not too much cleavage, but definitely on the shorter side.

And the time of year is rough...can't be too summer-y, or too fall-ish. Colors are such a hassle. Why can't I own the dress above? Kristen Bell's look would be perrrrffff!

Normally I would just default to black. Can you wear black to a wedding?

This would be perfect as well. Please steer me in the right direction....anybody!!

Moving on, I die. Affordable, beautiful shoes. Paylessssssss!!!!!!!

Platform wallabees?!?!?!? Nine west baby!!! $99 bones!!

Didn't sleep so well last night (so excuse the randomness of this post!) kept freaking myself out about things/creaks/ghosts I was hearing in my apt. I need a puppy asap. I want Blake's. It looks like a teddy bear come alive!

I feel bad about my Bilson bashing a few posts ago (well, not really bashing...more of disappointment). Totally redeemed. I'm not sure how old this pic is of her and Lisa Love (teen vogue/the hills fame), but that suit is perfection.

Hee hee.

Why the hell does my tan fade so fast!??!?!?! It's literally been 3 days and I'm feeling like the walking dead again. (big frowny face) I'm photoshopping all the photos from this wedding to black and white.

Not to beat a dead horse about the wedding, but I also have no idea how to do my hair. Up? Down? Sparkly things? Bleehhhhh.

So, fun news on my favorite little train wreck.

I had heard a while back (last month to be exact...duuuh I'm stupid today) Lohan did the cover for Elle uk. I never got around to reading it (aka purchasing it) but found the scans online today. Wow. Let's just say things didn't go well for her, professionally speaking.

Quick refresher....remember this disaster?

"I CAN SEE U AT 7.15 TO 7.30 THEN I HAVE TO MEET WITH A SPRAY TANNER!" That is one of the texts Lindsay Lohan sent to ELLE UK journalist Katie Mulloy during the time of her 'interview' for the September issue. The interview never happened in the end, even though Katie spent days waiting.ELLE editor Lorraine Candy describes the shoot in her editors letter as "the most unpredictable and confusing cover shoot in my career."
She's trying to save her "career" but she hasn’t learned a thing. She’s even dumber that that punk ass kid in the Cingualr commercials. The goddamn minutes roll over, what is so hard to understand about that? They’re all the same. Today, last month, last year. Stop being such a smug little prick and listen to your mom.