This best expresses how I feel right now...poor, overwhelmed and on edge. I blew a small fortune on my hair Saturday (although it is totes worth it!), had a super busy weekend, aannnd still haven't heard from my dream job which is sending me into panic attack mode. At least I have my shoes.....

Also the looming and shiteous reality that I have 8 weeks until I'm going to be in a bathing suit in 8 short weeks and have been majorly slacking at the gym is making me want to wire my mouth shut. On the bright side, I'm blonde again!!
Sick bathing suit. Where in the world can I find one like this?

My goal.
If this were the standard, life would be sooo much easier. Too bad, because now its like, "Why did I eat that cookie yesterday?"..."Why did I eat that cookie last year?" "I'm never eating goddam devil's cookies again...but they taste so good!"

So Fly.
I'd be happy with this. Alright...8 weeks til Memorial Day!! Summer hurry your ass up!