As if it isn't obvious enough, I have a small obsession with Lauren Conrad....see Total Girl Crush part 1. Thus as an avid admirer, I submit myself to a weekly indulgence of bad televison a.k.a The Hills. Like every other MTV program, The Hills has spawned equally awful reality spin-offs; insert The City and my personal favorite, Bromance.

Before, I was usually annoyed/bored by squeaky-clean sidekick Whitney Port. She was like the extra cheese on an already delicious plate of Nachos Grande; unecessary yet add a gooey layer of cheesiness. She offered her goodie-goodie opinions/advice, dressed reasonably well, and juxtaposed the other hellacious characters nicely.

Hence, I was less than stoked that she got her own show. Truthfully, I don't believe any of the people on The Hills deserve a spin off, but if drama was what MTV was going for, an uber-complacent, leggy blonde doesn't scream "ratings". However, I did what MTV executives predicted. Based on my taste for The Hills, I expanded my palate and sampled The City. I was unimpressed at the first few episodes; Jay= yawn, Erin and Allie have potential to develop but no "wow" factor, and some hint of future points of contention...e.i. possible thunder in Whitney's Lipstick Jungle paradise, but nothing worth TIVO-ing. However, Whitney's token facial expressions that speak without words, more dialogue minus the voice-over narration common to The Hills, and less "staged" vibes got me intrigued to say the least. Now, 8 episodes later, I'm hooked.

What changed my tune? Cheating boyfriends and body issues aside...I'm in like with the celebutante that steals the show....Olivia Palmero. The real-life Blair Walfdorf makes it hurt so good. This snobby snow-queen is better than speidi and has dynamite potential. Not to mention drool-worthy clothes and hair (and apartment.)

Yes, I am well aware Daddy/the trust fund paid for the awesome wardrobe and her "job" may or may not be fake; nevertheless I'm going to tune in next week.

I love to hate her and she might just give LC a run for her money in when it comes to style.....