There is a fine line between girl crush and obsession. I am obsessed with Sienna Miller. She blew me away in Alfie. I love that film and she was cast in one of the greatest supporting roles ever created...a beautiful, crazy, sexual, hot mess. The knife-wielding/blue paint scene? Common! Score one for all the crazies out there.
On top of other great roles (Edie Sedgewick, Camille), she's a pretty awesome designer (twenty8twelve) and a bad ass fashion icon. I mean, she brought back the leotard!
Unfortunately her personal life and/or exposed boobs dim the spotlight on her coolness, but I appreciate her more for it. Who would cheat on this chick? (cough, Jude Law is an idiot, cough). And I proudly support her in her topless antics. Naked kids of the world unite! If she wants to ready the paper on her balcony with no shirt on, by golly let the girl.

But seriously, lets all take a minute and look at her style perfection. A little more put together than Kate Moss, and more polished hair than Ash Olsen, she is my muse/inspiration/idol.

Not to mention she always dazzles on the red carpet. Another thing I really respect/appreciate is her petite-ness yet never eating disorder-esque physique. I never look at her and think, "For God's sake eat a sandwich." She looks toned and just glows. She looks like the picture of health (aside from the occasional cigarette, of course).

Sigh. Homegirl, you just rule. You provide me with so much, one post is not enough. I can't wait for G.I. Joe rise of the Cobra! Its like and Eon Flux/Bond Girl wet dream.