So I've been a bad blogger this week! Last weekend really did me in. A trip to Baltimore where my cousins did a great job of showing me a good time, i.e. holy hangover; a lacrosse convention (yours truly is a youth league coach) which meant lots of free schwag; a terrible loss by the Birds (goddammit Eagles!); which meant a very unhappy president's day. Tuesday, I was consumed by Obama's Inauguration/parade/Delaware's finest Joe Biden. Yesterday was just super busy: hot date (again!!!), work, etc. So here we are 6 days later. I will post something worthwhile tomorrow I swear! Today, its cold, but super sunny and I was amazed how badly most of my summer shades looked with sweaters and coats, etc. That is, except for Wayfarers. My favorite pair below.

The Olsens can do not wrong. They tend to set the sunnies trends. I love the blue reflective ones here though......

I can't remember where I found this, but I saved it and thought/still think it is hilarious. It should totally be a bumper sticker on facebook as far as I'm concerned.
I promise the next post will be better!