I have the most amazing friends in the entire world. My four day festival of fun is something not soon to be forgotten. Gah, such an amazing feeling when all you can think about is how much you love your life at the moment!

Housemates/Besties before Friday night out.....110 Bellevue <3

The greatest day of my life last summer....probably the last time I felt so high on life. Partying with Bryen from Greengenes (awesome local cover band).

The following will be a photo montage of a weekend in Dewey Beach....above is Love Seed Mama Jump, regular cover band in Dewey...only cover band I've ever seen with a full-time "percussionist" (man with bongo).

Place where we had late-night Friday night. Yes, that is a stripper pole equipped with a disco ball...in a beach house....next to wicker furniture. "late night"= bars in Delaware close at 1am + everyone keeps a reserve of alcohol so drinking can continue + survivor flip cup + intoxicated cooking with few ingredients (joe corbi's pizza kits/corn dogs?) + people with guitars......=4am drunken mess and events only memorable if documented by digital camera.

The Bar I live next-door to...Bottle and Cork. Amazing. Every Saturday (and Sunday on Holiday weekends) there is "Jam Session" at which local bands play a set at a giant No-Shower Happy Hour.

Bryen from Greengenes singing on the roof of Bottle & Cork.

The "Jolly-Trolley" i.e. Drunkbus to shuttle people around for $2.00.

I love this town. Sun setting on the bay.

The Dewey Devil. A deliciously dangerous mix of light rum, 151 proof rum, blackberry brandy, orange juice, strawberries and cream. I had 4 on Sunday. Whoops. Northbeach hosts "Big Sunday" 4-7pm, which is basically a continuation of drinking for the people who were at "Suicide Sunday" at the Starboard 10-2pm. Anywhere else this would be called Alcoholism.

The Starboard...only bar with a serious beer pong set up 24/7.

Orange Crush, a.k.a my death. 2oz Svedka Clementine, 2oz Triple Sec, a splash of sprite, and an entire orange, squeezed into the cup right before your eyes. Tastes like candy...packs a punch.

I'll give the abbreviated version of the Birthday Blow-out. Friday: arrive 11pm. shot gun. rain. starboard. orange crushes. late night. pizza. stripper pole. old men. run. home. random boy on couch. neighbor. guitar. "send me on my way". drunk dial. sleep. Saturday: move car before tow trucks. beach. purchase birthday "crown". gossip rags. deck drinking. orange crushes. mancandy arrival. Dewey devils. jam sesh. "special time". Non-sober dinner. parents. sushi. Rusty Rudder. Greengenes. Friends. royal flush. ruh-roh. late night. bunk bed. Sunday: move car. suicide sunday. crab eggs Benedict. orange crushes. whipped cream. old dude. mancandy anger. "special time". beach. Big Sunday. Dewey devils. drunk roommate. lose roommate. find roommate. drunk naked man. leave drunk naked man. Arena's Bar. nachos. crab cake. $2.00 bloody mary. karaoke. 9 people in seabring convertible. Scattergories + beer= terrible drinking game. Drunk Naked man. still drunk and naked (5 hours has passed). wet carpet. (*HILARITY DOES NOT ENSUE*). Force naked man to put on pants and leave. "special time". Monday: Mancandy leaves. beach. bagels. would you rather. bbq. baby pool. water ice + vodka. crabs. friends. love. blurrrryyyy. He's Just Not That Into You. Orange Crush. Patron. Tuesday: home. get life together. family. laundry. Mancandy. ahi tuna. Savion blanc. The Hangover. "Special Time". BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!