I think it was on the show "Pete & Pete" in which big Pete said the minute you think about something you want for back to school (in his case it was a cool binder), summer is truly over. So, yeah...I'm looking at coats....not really back to school anymore, but still...indicative of the change of seasons.
I do loooovee fall/winter in NYC. I have a few friends up in the city and usually make several trips up. My one bestie lives on the Upper East side and visiting her is always a sick time. Hit up the waspy/trust-fund baby bars, shop in soho, brunch, hot-n-crusty bagels, and runs in Central Park. Perrrffff.
CBK and John-John. I have 2 long red coats and I think it is my favorite color for wool. My Michael Kors one goes so well with everything ( I swear!).
I want Sienna's coat soooo baaaad. I'll gladly take anything Burberry.
Fave outfit from Devil Wears Prada.
Rachel Bilson in Chanel. I normally don't go for the boxy/wide styles, but this I really like.
Rad. I don't think I could ever pull it off though. I got a motorcycle jacket for x-mas last year. I loved it! ManCandy calls me a hipster-wanna be in it (frowny face.)
I typically gravitate to long coats in slim but traditional cuts, but fun colors.
So underrated....boots and a long jacket. I found a sick black trench at goodwill last winter!