AAAMMMAAAZZZINGGG weekend. I cannot describe how fun Dewey Beach/my friends are. Let me lay down the facts....I am the only weekender in a house of hot/awesome girls, whose occupations range from beach umbrella girl to bartender to bud light promo chicks. They love the sauce almost as much as yours truly, and there is never a dull moment. Oh, and our house is sponsored by Budweiser and Liquid Lightning energy drink.

green man and grill.

Beach fireworks :) I'll give the abbreviated run down: Arrive late Thursday. Shotgun. Rusty Rudder. See ex-sorority sisters. Shots for old time sake. Pizza. Sleeeppp. Starboard Breakfast. Bloody Marys. Beach. ManCandy becomes a lobster. Walk to find Ice Cream. Find Gay pride beach instead. Make friends. New found appreciation for speedos. Taco Toss. Orange Crushes. "Special time". Food. Pregame. Rusty Rudder. Lose Credit Card/dignity. Kristen and the Noise. Get pulled on stage. Die Happy. Extremely public make out session. Blurryyyy. 8:30am Liquid Lightning delivers 20 cases of energy drink and vodka. Hilarity ensues. Sloppy breakfast. Beach. Jam sesh. Copious amounts of alcohol. "Special time". Roommate walks in. Hilarity ensues. Food. Fireworks. Pregame. House party. Thumper (best drinking game everrrrr). Pizza. Sucker punch. Fight. Angry ManCandy. Sleeepp. Charity 5k. Drunk run. Win. Beer and fried chicken at 8:30am. ManCandy dead....I am a golden guy(er girl). Beach. Borat. Big Sunday. Dewey Devil. Crab cakes and fries. Bacon flavored ice cream (that's not a typo). Home. I am sad, liver is not.

Saturday morning cocktails on the deck...with ManCandy. Direct quote from roommate in reference to ManCandy, "His shades are pretty cool....actually he's pretty cool....he looks like he could play an instrument."

Two of my besties with Jefe of Burnt Sienna, at Jam Sesh.

ManCandy and I raging at Jam Sesh.

More fireworks on the beach...slightly better picture quality...and shows the fire pit.

My adorable roommates embracing America and the free swag from LL.

Pregaming. Isn't the interior wood paneling lovely?

Promo shot.

It's roughly 10:30am in this picture and I am no where near sober. Clearly not amused by the photographer.

My roommates and their sweet press-on American flag tattoos.

I cannot believe he had USA napoleon dynamite. Linds actually had to wear that to work. Apparently the place she bartends at thought it would be a real classy touch.

Riding on the coattails and reaping the benefits of living with Bud Girls..i.e. getting hooked up at all their promo events. Only in America will you find a large African-American man in a blonde mullet with a homemade t-shirt that says "save a horse, ride a blackboy."
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