This weekend is going to be sooooo sick. Why you ask? It's Running of the Bulls!!!!!

This was a pic from last year's event....I have no idea where I picked up a crown during the course of the day either.

There were alot of ridiculous things at last year's event...including this guy. He supposedly takes that critter with him every where...."the poon coon". Like I said....ridiculous.

Yes, that is a two person Bull. Well, technically a bull costume with two people in it.

And it's hot in there.

I would assume any furry mascot costume would be rather scorching mid-summer. This fellow is the Starboard Mascot, Monty the Shark. I think he needed to take a dip after all the running.

The turnout is bigger and better every year.

This will be the 13th year. I absolutely cannot wait.

Elvis even comes out and sings a few tunes.

Obviously, the bull wins in the end.

The event starts at the bar and the drunken parade runs all the way down the beach...stopping traffic and frightening small children.

A pic from my friend's parent's condo across the street.

The only bar where they sell bottles of champagne and champagne bottle koozies.

Best drink ever....Ruby Red Grapefruit Crush!

Another fabulous pic from Saturday. Please note the 20 cases of Liquid Lightning in the corner.

Roommates hi-jacking the van...which later got towed.

Love them! 3 more days.........
i much prefer this version! :)