What I want for my birthday....Or if I could only win the lottery.....

I love JCrew Jewelry.

Perfect Bandeau top.

More JCrew above and below...

Yeah, I'm a pearl girl.

I am very matchy-matchy when it comes to jewelry.

South Moon Under has these necklaces. I am obsessed.

I never used to be a gold person....maybe it comes with age?

Oh. my. god.

Much more likely to get use out of.

These too. All from South Moon Under as well.

Forever 21. Super cute.

Gotta love the exposed zipper.

I love both of these dresses.

I can never get enough plaid.

And these.......all Forever21

This I would have to see on....

Bags worth more than my car....

The bag I really really really want.......only $125.00

Yes, I know I'm a brat.
Congrats on your 100th post. We just hit 1,000 and are still going strong. Keep up the good work!
Yo blondie! That blog Tao of Stieb is pretty funny, now I have more things to read and distract myself with haha. You should contact them and have them post to your blog on the right of their page. Considering they're crazy canadians with obviously zero fashion sense, just ask them to make the URL headline say "Hot American Girls that like to look Good" and you'll get canuck traffic in no time.