Yes, yours truly has graced this world with my awesomeness for almost 23 years! Like any other self-indulgent princess, I will be extending the celebrations for a full 5 days. My actual day of birth falls on a Tuesday; thus, harder the party epically with work the next day. So, I took off Monday and Tuesday to ensure I can rip shots with abandon when the clock strikes 12. My besties and I have been planning/brainstorming for the weekend festivities and one acquaintance remarks, "OMG, is it your 21st!?" Haha, little one. No, I treat every birthday with the same level of ridiculousness only acceptable for milestone ages; i.e. I'll be the girl in a tiara and sash, sipping a Dewey devil and breaking any/all social moores for 4 days straight. My response to the proverbial raised eyebrow? I RULE!

God I love this city. Checked out an apt Saturday in Old City. Awesome place....still debating on compatibility of roommates.

SERIES FINALE TONIGHT?!?!?!! Well, technically season finale....but the last episode with LC as narrator/star. She looked hot last night. Perfect beach-sexy hair.

Not so sure about the one-sleeve look. I do like Audrina's summer locks. The blonde highlights really look natural.


I get the gold star. 1) Proof that Britney is not nearly as hot as previously posted bikini pics would suppose, 2) Proof that Britney is still a hot mess and can't be bothered with minor details...such as bras, 3) The fact that this look of disdain is because her tractor is the wrong color....seriously, I couldn't make that up if I tried. God, she is such a hick. Its like the redneck super sweet sixteen; "But Pa! Ai wount'd the rid un!!!!!"

Haha you suck Ashlee. Simpson clearly not amused by sexy little elf Wentz. I know, I have weird male celebrity crushes....I can't help it! Look at that smile.....

I love you.

You are a goddess. Jorts and stunna shades. 'Nough said.

5 more days until back in Dewey!!!! I think clothing optional won't fly though.
OMFG, I cried when I watched this. This is basically every boyfriend I've ever had. I am shamed because I find this kid delectable as well. Someone please shoot me with an anti-bro vaccine. You have to be shitting me.
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