I'm so overjoyed today!!! Finally the weekend, finally sunny, and finally a morning commute that didn't make me want to rip my hair out! Dewey in 12 hours baby!

She does blazers so well. Kate Bosworth is the poster child for "new Classic".

How Victoria's Secret Models look after having babies. Not fair. I can't tell if Ambrosia is genetically gifted or just works her ass off at the gym, but I am seriously envious of her bod. Cute baby too.

LC's been wearing her hair up alot lately. Sometimes it looks adorable, other times (above) it can look grandma-esque. She has such gorgeous hair, I don' t know why she is messing with perfection.

Emmy Rossum. Sooooo cute! I'm a fan of preppy/nautical attire obviously, but this is so flattering (which is kinda hard to do when dabbling in horizontal stripes) and perfect for summer. I want that bag too.

Well, that sucks. Stephanie has had a variety of issues, including pre-Hills drug problems, but I don't understand why some "celebrities" pour their heart out to gossip rags about such personal issues. There's the "Is (fill in the blank) too Skinny?" headline, which is usually a photo comparison and speculation...which sucks. I mean, everyone's weight fluctuates and it sucks to gain or lose 5lbs and have the media compare 2 unflattering pictures and try to argue you have an eating disorder. That, really does suck for some celebs. But She-Pratt, on the other hand, went to US Weekly and said, "hey, let's do an article on my eating disorder...I'm thinking cover story?" Why? Is she sad her 15 minutes are up? Does she think America will feel bad for her because she has low self-esteem and couldn't handle being compared to her co-stars, who, have healthy body images and actually hit the gym? An article full of fluff and half-witted quotes from some D-list "reality star" isn't going to make teenagers shoving their fingers down their throat stop or seek help. What will? I don't know, but Jamie Pressley's article in Shape a few months ago was much more real and inspiring. Cliff notes: Jamie was a model before she was an actress and struggled with the maintaining the industry look at the time. Now, recovered, older and wiser, she is healthy, happy, balanced and realizes that image isn't what keeps you "hot" in Hollywood....you've got to have something else...like, I don't know....talent?

Gee, sharing scenes with this apparently pushed Stephanie Pratt to self-destruction. Meanwhile, Lauren's always been candid about gaining/losing weight, Hollywood and their obsession with body image, and her exercise/diet. Lets see...she works out, eats healthy (yay vegetarian!) and is happy with herself...what bad influence.

Another train wreck in the body image department. Why the hell would she twitter this? Lohan is another perfect example. Let's recap. A few years ago, when she was Hollywood's "It girl", she lost a significant amount of weight, causing many to speculate. She denied, denied, denied. Then, she did a bikini shoot for W magazine and said, "yes, I was making myself sick." When it came out, she claimed they misquoted her, she didn't have a problem, and lost all the weight by eating healthy and exercising....only to be photographed constantly with a cigarette in her hand, boozing, and eating trailer-park food...if anything at all. Since, she's be reprimanded for her on and off-set behavior, starred in terrible movies, been to rehab a few times, and now, apparently, stealing jewelry off of photo shoots. She's done a great job of destroying her body and looks like she's 90 years old these days. She bleached the crap out of her once gorgeous scarlet hair, can't get work, and aside from sexual orientation, clearly has alot of issues these days. The sad thing is, she's so desperate to be back on top, she twitters shit like the photo above.

Evan Rachel Wood. Dita Von Tease Doppelganger. Nice dress though.

Original version. Now there is someone with great self-esteem. Fashion icon, made burleque famous, dated Marilyn Manson, and gets front row at Fashion Week shows. Timeless/Classic beauty and embraces her curves. So Hot Right Now.

Camille Belle. I love this dress and this color. Absolutely perfect. I wish I had a formal event to dress up for. Now that I'm out of college, there's really nothing that dressy anymore...aside from the occasional wedding. In sororityland, there was some sort of date party/crush party/formal/mixer every week! I'd have my mom fed-ex me old prom dresses or clean-up at end of season sales (BCBG outlet, you were my savior)! The last hot dress I purchased sat in my closet for 6 months. I thought I might be going to a wedding, but that fell through. So, went total diva and I wore on my Birthday...accompanied by a crown. It made me miss playing dress-up so bad!

Blake Lively in a sick Burberry Trench. Awesome. I found a black trench at Salvation Army a few years ago and was stoked! buuutttt, it's the original, London Fog style...great for work, not super flattering. Bebe and some others have brought back the trench the in the last few years...but the new version is much more sleek and flattering. Some can almost be worn as a dress. I love anything deemed "business sexy" and this totally fits the bill.

Love this too. Blake can be hit or miss sometimes. Understandably so. She obviously gets a great wardrobe on Gossip Girl, but that's not really her. I applaud her though, because she mixes alot of high-end and low-end fashion. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I certainly don't think she deserves to be on the cover of Vogue or any top ten best dressed list; however, her style is easily attainable/replicated. She almost always chooses flattering cuts and colors, and definitely attempts trends. BUT, fashion "icons," or at least "top ten" contenders, should break ground, take risks, experiment, and make any "trend" their own. They should have their own STYLE, to which others cater to. Some examples; Gwen Stefani, Jennifer Aniston, Erin Wasson, Rihanna, MKA Olsen, Sienna Miller, Carine Roitfeld. These women have a distinct and consistent style, to which trends and designers follow and shape. Rhianna and MKA experiment, Aniston is the "girl next door" or "classic", Wasson and Sienna mix it up and play with trends, Gwen and Carine are in a league of their own. Now, juxtapose these fashionistas with the Lauren Conrads and Disney Brats and Ashlee/Jessica Simpsons of the world. They follow, the aforementioned lead.

Eva Mendes. I love this fabric. Jennifer Aniston recently sported a strapless number in a similar shade too. I think the fabric is called acetate? Either way, its a nightmare to clean and susceptible to stains, but it really looks great when photographed.

Same thing(ish). Runway version; wayyyyy more fierce with leopard booties......
WHEUW! Those leopard booties are amazing!