Fabulous news...Legally
Blonde is now so 2009!
Mancandy...who is racking up serious points by the day....has given me the gift of technology! A
Crackberry!!! Aside from being the best present...I don't know...ever! Yours truly is now constantly connected. My life has gotten exponentially better by this milestone of telecommunication.
Mancandy was trying to make me guess what he got me....I said a puppy. Isn't this little bugger cute though! Nothing can replace my old dog though....my love...R.I.P. Bruiser. Yes, I had a chihuahua named Bruiser. Judge me. Go Ahead.

While trying to locate a dream dog picture, I stumbled upon this sexy shot of my number one crush...Keith
Olberman. Again, judge away, but I would give anything to get 10 minutes alone with this sexy beast.

I know, I have the oddest taste in men. Juxtapose silver fox above to man pretty below.
I'm a sucker for that lettuce. Ummmmmm dude hair is so underrated.
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