Joy! The weekend is almost here. Lax practice was cancelled due to ridiculous amounts of rain this week...which completely saturated all the fields rendering them un-playable, so that means LegallyBlonde is getting saucy at 5:00pm today.....

Stick dye-ing went uber-well last I'm a bit obsessed with tie-dye. Totes trying this.....

Read this cover to cover. Spin still rules, as does No Doubt. I cannot wait to see them June 11th! 2 days after the momentous B-day of yours truly.

Manolo for thakoon.

Holy shit. Givenchy.

That's not water, and that's all I want post-work today....

Washing my hands of both last Sunday and possibly ManCandy. To quote the Hills, "I'm done with drama." I need a new pool of men to draw from...i.e. NOT the bars in Trolley Square. I was so desperate for some new prospects I actually told the little girls I coach to get me a date(s)..."Alright girls, now, I want attractive, employed brothers/cousins/neighbors, ages 21-30. Coach needs a date! Start bringing them to watch games..." Sad, I know. We'll see what comes of this. I also picked up a possible stalker at the expo for the race I ran in last weekend. His email seemed normal enough....(???) Anyway, so I was telling old ManCandy (I'll discuss that later...) about all this, and he replied with possibly that greatest line, I dunnno...ever, last night: "Ok...hold up a second. I'm original ManCandy, I know about Spicy BBQ [current ManCandy], but really, there's the potential for more? How many flavors do you need?!" Hilarious, no?....Maybe I was wrong about him.
Either way, I'm done with Man-Baby, bi-polar drama queens that seem to frequent my stomping grounds. I thought a little older would be better....? Nope, there's a generation of man-babies. We'll see what the weekend brings....

2 weeks til I move into my summer share!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG, Summer, hurry your ass up!

I used to hate gold jewlery, now I am borderline obsessed. Anna Scheffield.

Nobody I know, but this embodies everything I hated about going to college in the South. Gross things in this picture: 1) Cowboy hat 2) Tuaca t-shirt 3) Girl with fake tan and bad high-lights 4) the american-eagle-esque leather watch. Notice, I did not list "squirting ketchup into mouth" as a gross thing.
You're welcome:
OMG, those photos of Ashmoney were ridiculous, I can't believe she wore the BLUE pants lol!!!!