Phenomenal weekend. I spent Saturday at my cousin's communion, which sounds lame, but it was the Italian side of my family; i.e. lots of food, awesome desserts, and alot of booze. It was also gorgeous outside. After a 4 hour long alcohol fueled party for a 6 year old, I went out in Manayunk and had one of the best Saturday nights in recent memory.

I think I checked-off all the requirements for a seriously sick evening: Day/early evening drinking outside, check; cornhole, check; 2 hour open bar, check; rolling with a posse 20 deep, check; starting and ending the party at Kildaires, check; dancing my pants off for the better part of 6 hours, check; late night beer pong, check; and being full body tackled by one of your friends....check, and hilarious.

How the hell does she do it? She is my idol.

No. Just no.

I feel bad for her, no, scratch that, I don't. No talent ass-clown. She's rich enough she can pay someone to make sure she doesn't get fat and she can hire a stylist who isn't blind and/or from the trailer park.

So, in addition to my awesome night, I found a new house and roommates. Sooo excited. I really hope for a bigger closet though....this is my shiz on a good day.

Me likey. I still want to go to a wedding so I can get in black tie attire. Maybe I'll just have to throw a dressy party for my b-day.
Ain't no party like my Nana's tea partay!