She oozes sex icon, but not in the Brigitte Bardot way. Powerful but understated sexy that all women secretly (or not so secretly) strive for.

Her appeal is almost as far reaching as her impact on fashion and style. She also spawned two significant models/fashionistas/(insert other entertainment sector here); Lou Dillon and Charlotte Gainsbourg.

In the above and below pics, Ms. Birkin is photographed with baby daddy #1, Serge (Serje? more french?)Gainsbourg. Note: Birkin has another daughter, Kate Barry, who has stayed out of the limelight.
Just amazing. When the current state of role models/fashion muses gets me down (cough Lindsey Lohan/Paris Hilton/Jessica Simpson...cough), I like to take a look back at women whom inspired me long ago. My friends can vouch....my apartment is decorated with timeless art (i.e. framed posters) of some of these women....Marilyn Monroe, Ursula Andress (the original Bond girl), Audrey Hepburn, Jane Birkin...and I will continue to support their badass legacy.
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