My apologies for not posting yesterday. Take my word for it, you wouldn't have wanted me to. I had a bad day to eclipse most bad days and was in an awful mood by 11pm last night. I didn't get the job I so desperately wanted/needed, had a shitty day of work followed by a promo that involved hire-ups in the company (nerve-racking!), a date cancelled on me, annnd it was the anniversary of a good friend's death. Normally I could wash my hands of such suck-y-ness, but shutting the door to my office and crying felt so much more appropriate and/or necessary. BUT, today is a new day and an extra cup of coffee coupled with the fact that the weekend is only a day away is making me much more chipper and my sanity is restored.

Note: there is less cohesiveness to this post, and more sheer inspiration/awe.

Who would have ever thought Mick would have such gorgeous spawn? Theodora Richards....(I wonder if people call her Teddy?....Nip/tuck reference anyone?)

If it wasn't for Lily Allen wearing it, I would have never thought 1) that this coat could be remotely cool/attractive when on, and 2) that it would look so badass with green pointy peter pan boots.

Sometimes a bad day just calls for a good of my faves-Life Aquatic. I watched it the day before I took my LSATS to calm my nerves and take my mind off things. Such a quintessential Wes Anderson flick...looove all of his movies and also recommend the Royal Tennenbaums.

Hayden Panettiere's awesome tat. I want to get another sooo badly. I have one in an undisclosed location and want to possibly get 2 more. I want to get "carpe diem" either on my wrist or on my side/back like above. The wrist seems more appropriate for a motto and guarantees I will see it everyday...I mean, isn't that the point? I also said if I qualified for Boston (the marathon...yes I know I'm insane), I would get wings on my leg/ankle. I missed qualifying by 4 minutes, but the idea to tattoo something (maybe a nice 26.2?) signifying the completion of a marathon is still very appealing... I might just have to do something for my 23rd b-day....
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