Browsing pics and found a few from probably my best weekend ever this past summer. I "weekend" as part of a summer share in Dewey Beach and it is always a great time. If you've never been there, it is about 1 x 1 mile stretch of beach that is cheap houses and packed with crazy bars. Much debauchery to be had. I try to live there (in some capacity) every summer. The particular weekend of this pic was the East Coast Skimboarding Competition. So many tanned bodies and hot "bros" I could hardly contain myself. Not to mention, said "bros" sure know how to party.

Girl in pics above is my homeslice, Cory. She has the best style of anyone I've ever met. Ever. She looks like she belongs in the racy American Apparel ads and is on a whole other level of cool. She makes her own jewelry (the metal kind) and is a dance-machine. One time she broke her collar bone while raging. She didn't cry until we got to the hospital; not from excruciating pain or anything, but because she didn't want them to cut her favorite dress in order to properly bandage her.

Oh, and this is the one and only pic from Sunday Funday. Unfortunately you can't see my party pants in this one. Supporting my team up top, over the knee boots and AA leggings on the bottom...the lame` ones, haha. I'm happy this pic showcases my skin sans tanorexic-ness. Girl in the middle is shinning example of years past. Girl on the far right is one of my besties, and not a sibling. Odd resemblance huh?
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