To truly appreciate this blog, I wanted to showcase some of the aforementioned fashion boo boos I repeatedly made through out college. Although there were probably "worse" things I wore in high school, I was "original" at the very least, and "fashion forward" at the very best. To me, the pleather pants, vans, and wide variety of belts/scarves that I wore back then, no matter how hideous, were worn with confidence, and working towards becoming (what in my mind) was cool. College, however, was my downfall. Trends, catalog shopping, cookie cutter existance plagued me for a good 3 years. Here's the wonderful look back. (above picture is reformed me...so hot right now...but excuse the sweet potato coloring of my skin. Some remants of sorority life just won't die.)

This is about 2 years ago with the roomate in our kitchen. Outfit inspired by Jennifer Aniston. Almost reformed.

Summer 06-ish? One of the few weekends I left the beach and participated in non-bum activities. This is better than the pictures that follow, but I still look like I was trying to be an extra on Laguna Beach. The hair is soo Kristen.

This is the height of Sorostitute life. Note the fratastic apartment, the doofus boyfriend, the pose. I think that dress was from the mall.....

Mmm-mmm. Circa 05. The mini skirts. Homegirl and I look like a Hollister catalog threw up on us. The side bangs too. Probably the "fittest" I've ever been since this was taken on spring break, but body-con aside, I hate everthing about this picture other than the friend in it.
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