Thursday, April 1, 2010

TAG!!!! You're it!

Woo Hoo. I was Tagged by the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Katie D., who I think could be my hetero-life mate, should we ever meet. I like her creepy photo accompaniment to "things that make me really happy".

I mean, if this isn't warm and fuzzy, frankly, I don't know what is. So, on to the list:

1) Having large and varied circles of friends. Gah. Love 'em all. I could start my own "texts from last night". ex:

text from Friend (a): Your panda shirt is with Friend x. Thanks for giving me homeless-esque clothes so I could conceal my mini dress and hooker shoes on my walk of shame home last week.

text from Friend (b): There is a Rocky-themed bar crawl next week. I assume you're in...especially because the T-shirts say something about eating lightning and shitting thunder.

text from Friend (c): End this debate now...what is a shallot?

2) Good food, better drink. Nothing makes me happier than grabbing an adult bevy after work...or really whenever, usually with #1.

3) Shameless sarcasm.

4) Shiny Spandex.

5) Southern College Football. What else would I do on Saturdays in the fall?

6) Having mostly guy friends, who like to throw down. If you've never drunkenly karaoke-ed/swayed with glassy eyes to "piano man" in a man hug with some frat-tastic bros, you're missing out.
6) a) Sweet Caroline, with fist pump on the "oh oh oh" and "so good, so good, so good"
7) Summer/the beach

8) "Girls only" nights, complete with 8 wardrobe changes, make-up tip swaps, bitching about guys, boxed wine, going to a pretentious club then leaving to go to a hole in the wall, drunk dials (/sober regret), lying about your age/name/job, screaming spice girl lyrics in the cab, guerrilla photo shoots, unnecessary facebook status updating/tweeting/texting while intoxicated, and checking your bank statement only to ask "I was there????".

9) really really really ridiculously high heels.
10) Being vegetarian yet loving scrapple.

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