Every year I cry a little when summer ends....

Absolutely wonderful end though....couldn't have asked for a better labor day!

Didn't waste anytime when I got down the beach....Anna and I posing before debauchery ensued.

Forcing ManCandy to rip a shot of the awful cheap alcohol we found in the freezer.

Poor, poor starboard bouncer...has to put up far too much.

Booze cruise for Christa's Birthday! The Dirty Dozen.

Beautiful day, beautiful sunset, beautiful spread of food, and beautiful solo cups...hahaha.

So, we went a little overboard with the photo op....no pun intended.

Goodbye Summer 09!!!!
omg that comment you left me... I basically love you. I want to be besties lol. thank you soooo much for your support, I pretty much thought that post would have like "stop crying you baby" anon responses, but no, I got two handfuls of really amazing comments that kind of made me tear up (but in a good way this time). Secret: yours was the best. Texas is such a horrific place... I actually moved from Columbus OH just a few months ago and I'm just now realizing how legit the "east part of the midwest" is (I always hated admitting I lived in the midwest). I actually love Philly, and its actually one of the places I'm going to apply for med school. Good call ;)
oh and I don't know why you aren't on my blog roll yet since I love your blog... well anyway you are now
So much fun. I will miss summer!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day, cheers: Evi