Yep. That's for you, ManCandy. Unfortunately, someone has a passionate hatred for one of my favorite bands (lyric above...311). Is it because Nick Hexum is so man-pretty? Or because they're lyrics make little/no sense? Or is it because my love of all music 1995-1999 makes you want to cry on the inside during our morning commute? Hahaha....that's why I'm in the driver's seat.

Yes, this is going to be a random post....I know this going in. Sometimes when I read other people's blogs, I start out really trying to read them...but then end up scrolling through the pics. It's like, "We'll I'm glad I've wasted 5 minutes learning about what you did today." Albeit, sometimes their (i.e. bloggers') lives' are way cooler than mine, so it's definitely interesting. It's like the ultimate form of voyeurism...."I know what you've purchased, what you ate today, and all your likes and dislikes!" Yet, I'm uncontrollably drawn in. You see a bit of yourself in someone leading a completely different life, thousands of miles away; and you both looooovee that song/book/pair of shoes/show/random food item. And....I do the same thing...and hope people read it/find it amusing. I think that comes with the territory...aren't all bloggers a little narcissistic?

I mean, no one should care what the hell I do on a day to day basis, because's not that interesting. Buuut, I think the whole "thing" is that blogging is a creative outlet, and if you are quasi-interesting, quasi-funny, a quasi-good writer, and self-depreciating your blog will catch the attention of others....and possibly be enjoyable for them to read/check/follow?
I apologize for being overly pensive/self-reflexive. I guess when you read others' blogs, it gets the ol' hamster wheel turning...haha.

Or maybe I'm just in a fragile state, haha. This has been a stressful week for me, and ManCandy is hanging by a thread as well. Moving/living situations/quarter-life crises (will spellcheck catch that? plural for crisis?) are poopdick no matter how you look at it, no matter how calm and organized you think you are going into it. As whiny-little-girl as it is, little sleep + all your shit in boxes + Chinese/shit food for a week (and/or using up random shit in your, when did I purchase canned mango or buffalo flavored rice cakes?) + inability to maintain a normal schedule of life = I want to curl up in fetus position and have someone pat my head while I make a frowny-face.

For me, the best "relief" is to do mindless things...clean, run, iron, etc. until I feel more in control of my life. But, everyone deals with shit differently; ManCandy chain smokes, other people develop insufferable bad attitudes, or my favorite...the angels of death, "MY LIFE IS OVER!" "GOD HATES ME!!!" Com'mon, don't be a pussy. Shit isn't that bad. Grow up.

That's when friends and "hobbies" come in handy the most. It's half the reason I love going down the beach so much. I can unwind (have a cocktail or 2..or...I dunno 20?), sizzle in the sun, and just bullshit with my best friends about the most mindless things. It makes you remember that you're fun and fun to be around, you're not old or lame or a hermit, and life in general is good. We could all use a little more cash, a little less in the trunk, and a little more free time...but if you're in the company of good peoples and have things you enjoy doing...then isn't that all that matters?

And sometimes, when in corporate American/cube nation (for any of you readers in the "real world") you just need a diversion from that thing they call else did and get so popular? You just need to be reminded your life doesn't suck.

And having a passion, whether it's music or fashion or whatever, (celebrity gossip?) gives everything perspective. No, the halls of the office aren't a cat walk and the sound of typing/faxing isn't music to one's ears, but listening to your ipod on the walk home or feeling fucking awesome because all the 40 year-olds in your building like your shoes, makes ponying up the $6.95 for the September Vogue or the $249.00 for that itouch or and extra $40 a month so you can get the sundance channel and DVR Paula Dean soo fucking worth it.

And lastly, I cannot express how awesome it feels to know people read my blog...but are awesome enough to comment! Up until very recently, I swore it was only immediate family and friends that read this shit...half the time because I asked. And for my #1 reader/'s a little bit of Olsen since the blog's been slacking a bit in that department recently....smiling, or course. And oh.......
That picture of Blondie and Kermit always makes me laugh inside. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment :) and yes the blogging world is filled with fun information about people's daily lives. I mean, little did I know people would love reading my crazy drunk adventures? ha. Anyways you seem fun ! :) bahaha the angel of death. I love doing that one! "WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME !!!.."
ReplyDeleteand totally agree with you all bloggers are a little narcissistic ;)
omg holy shit that linked thing is so fucking funny. I'm crying I'm laughing so hard.
ReplyDeletep.s. I read the whole thing, and enjoyed the utterly random photos in between. I think its so funny how disgustingly self-absorbed I feel when I'm writing my own blog, but I'm a total voyeur reading other peoples... its so weird that I know all these things about people I have never even met. like ^^^ christian, I kind of love him and we've never even met!
- Every time I have to spell a word over the phone using ‘as in’ examples, I will undoubtedly draw a blank and sound like a complete idiot. Today I had to spell my boss’s last name to an attorney and said “Yes that’s G as in…(10 second lapse)..ummm…Goonies”
hahahahahahhahaha omg. thank you so much for linking this.
- Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
I can't breathe! I can't breathe.
Randomest post ever. Zach & Kelly anyone?
ReplyDeleteDid you just write a novel about how your life has gone over the edge, or a self-help diary about how you're keeping yourself from going crazy?
ohkay, so, i saw how long this post was and since it's fairly early in the morning, i was just going to scroll through and look at the pictures... but something told me to read it, so i did. i completely agree with what you wrote about blogging. sometimes, when i'm lazy i just scroll through, looking at the pictures, but when i read posts, and i can relate to someone else it helps me know that i'm not alone in everything i do, which is how i feel sometimes.
ReplyDeletegreat post (: