Yessss I am blonde again and so happy about it. All is right in the world. Annd I got the job I wanted! Its been like pulling teeth to negotiate a good salary, but I think we've reached an agreement!?!?!?!?! Legally Blonde is moving up in the world!


I love/hate her so much. She is such a spoiled B*tch, but she goes after what she wants. She doesn't really seem to have many friends...(her cousin or whatever that was crashing at her place?) and the ones she "has" don't like her very much. I almost feel bad. Then I see the clothes she can afford and how she might be the most condescending bimbo besides Ann Coulter...oh I digress.

Without sounding totally like a 5 year old....she's pretty. Her hair is my inspiration! (Her and LC of course.)

The City. Its totes my guilty pleasure these days. I can't wait til the Hills returns. I get so embarrassed by my completely immature obsession. What other 22 year old slithers into Best Buy, asks the trolls that work there (under my breath mind you) to direct me to where season 4 is awaiting me, in all its shiny, 4-disc glory. I then stroke the plastic wrapping muttering "Precious," before devoting the better part of my day to watching every minute. Oh, and did I mention lying to friends "oh, I'm super busy tonight...blah blah blah" so I have uninterrupted viewing. Do they have rehab for this? My supply is cut off after this season.....

Cute. I like Whit as a darker blonde. I also love this skirt. She balances this outfit well.

Whitney is stereotypically boring. I secretly like it though, only because its easy to replicate her style/ensembles with things already in my closet. Very "Recessionista"-esque.

Ew. No. Stick to the simple, Whit. There are no words for the wrongness of this. It looks like something my Grandma wears to Atlantic City...minus the fanny-pack.

Hey girl crush. You'll always be my #1. The shirt isn't a fav of mine but I'm drooling over that bag. MMMM, buttery Chanel goodness.
Weekend Debauchery will commence in 61 minutes, YOU READY??? I only hope you make good to post those photos!
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