Mancandy brought me breakfast in bed Saturday morning....WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!? Singlehandedly the most romantic thing anyone's ever done on the fly. Let's be honest. I have had a few other noteworthy expereinces, but they were on Hallmark/ milestone dates or times, which downplays the romantic-ness a notch; example- a really romantic birthday experience. Amazing night in and of itself, but it was my birthday so I expected to be wow-ed (at least a little). Random Saturday? SO unexpected and awesome.

I die. This is perfect in every possible way. Perhaps the $$ I saved on my hair could support a purchase like this. And the shoes? OMFG!!!!!

IF I hit the gym hard this week annnnd invest in some sunless tanner, this dress would be divine. Very sexy but not over the top. As mentioned, I love the one shoulder look and this hugs LC's curves so nicely. I want her hair (as usual).

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