Just another day in the office...but a round of applause for my first post in weeks!

Back in heels (yay!!!) but completely overwhelmed by the last few weeks. I went back to del-a-where? for the Thanksgiving holiday, caught up with old friends, and of course some Black Friday retail therapy. My friend's band blew up The Note (Bam Margera's club in West Chester, PA) and had an overall awesome 4 day weekend...then shitty shitsville. I got the plague and was out of commission for 4 days. ManCandy thinks I had food poisoning, but either way, I was sick as a dog and slept for like 16 hours each day. Sick days really suck in the real world. So I came back to work with a mountain of shit on my desk, behind on studying*, and basically felt like the photo above, except not quite as sexy looking. I'm finally feeling somewhat caught up now...but alas...the holiday season is upon me and I feel like I still have 83712893409286359021786598 things to do. Also, living slightly above the poverty line (well, at least it feels that way) I'm living on PB&J and soup to fiscally support my holiday shopping....and a few absolutely necessary purchases for myself....right? (you know....a dress for the cocktail parties, a few sparkly adornments, killer satiny heels).
(*Yes, I know Legally Blonde would lead you to assume that I am, in fact, already in law school. And yes, I have taken the LSATs once before...buuut I cancelled my score because I thought I did shittily, and swore off law school after I got a new job last spring. Now, although still in limbo about law school because of loans and the current job market...and the fact that I have a job I actually like, I'm trying to put the hurt on the the LSAT and make it my bitch anyway. The scores are good for 5 years...so I can continue to pussyfoot around applying until I'm like 30. Until then, I am a blonde, overly bubbly, stiletto loving, Gemini vegetarian with a chihuahua who happens to be a paralegal.)

So, I need a weekend to blow off some steam. And what better way than to gamble money I don't really have and dance the night away in Atlantic City. It's one of my bff's 25th birthday, so I plan on going balls to the wall Saturday night.

My most recent purchase was the PERFECT boyfriend blazer....compliments of the little boys section of Goodwill. Actual conversation from Thanksgiving Eve:
Non-fashion forward BFF: What are you wearing?
Me: Oh you know, just some AA liquid leggings, hooker heels....oh! and this blazer I got at Goodwill! Can you believe it! It was only $3.99! It's soooo LC!
Other Non-fashion forward BFF: You look like a sexy magician.
Non-fashion forward BFF: Haha, yeah, you kind of do....
Other Non-fashion forward BFF: Where do you get ideas for outfits and stuff?
Me: uhh....I don't know
Other Non-fashion forward BFF (to Non-fashion forward BFF): I bet she reads Elle.

But even though I love my "sexy-magician"/goodwill style...I'm still a sucker for the clean, crisp, preppiness that comes once every few months in my JCrew catalog. Go ahead and gag....you just haven't discovered seersucker yet. WASP-y boyfriends don't help much either.
ManCandy: Has anyone told you, you really look great in cardigans* (actual conversation on the way to work....where, by office policy I must dress in librarian/woman suit couture)
Me: Hmmm.....no, not really. Did I mention I hate this sweater?
ManCandy: Its a cardigan, and you look hot....and sophisticated.
Me: (in-audible groan) Gee, thanks boo....by the way, do your boxers always match your ties?

All joking aside I love to craft and I am poor. Thus, I will be making all the Aunt and Uncles (yes, big Lithuanian/Italian families) these cute-ass x-mas ornaments. I may also do little stockings! My sorority days made me a goddamn McGuyver with ribbon and pastels.

P.S. Has anyone been in H&M lately? I'm loving sooo much of their pieces this season. Military style jackets, drape-y tops with embellished shoulders, pretty ruffle-y cocktail dresses! And uber cheap!

As sooo as I was able to wear heels again I totally did....and bought a new pair...or two. I know I'm supposed to be on shopping Hiatus, but who can resist peep-toe booties for $24.99?!?!?!?

My inspiration for (and almost replicated) "sexy magician".

OMG OMG OMG. Hello Lover. God Rodarte make thing so hot it hurts. Maybe after next paycheck I can afford some tall-ass, over the knee boots. South Street in Philadelphia (aka, 2 blocks from my humble abode) has oodles of shoe stores clearly marketed to working girls and exotic dancers...which I happen to also be a loyal customer.

Oh how I wish for weather where I can wear this again. Its currently 20 degrees and windy in Philadelphia. Up until last weekend, my heat wasn't working properly. I came home last Friday to no heat, no hot water and a 1ft x 1ft hole in my ceiling. Ohhh....you say my water heater busted? Sweet. I'm also glad that the pipe decided to burst directly over my desk...and computer...and ipod....and digital camera. FML! Well, I'm sorta happy about the camera since it was a HUGE piece of shit anyway, but the other two....well, a part of me died inside. So I'm hoping Xmas comes early this year...i.e. the landlord isn't a douchebag, and gives me $$$$ to replace my life! Dear Santa (retarded Landlord who took 2 weeks to fix my shit, then shat all over the most expensive things I own), For Christmas this year I want a shiny new MacPro, a Ipod touch, and a Nikon coolpix camera....fo free. Well, its almost 5...and that means time for me to get sauced and start another weekend bender. xo any readers who haven't given up on me yet....more posts I promise!!!
I love that conversation between you and your friends. So funny. Those tall Rodarte boots have been on sale at Barneys... they're still like 2Gs though. Never attainable. And stupid Miley Cyrus got to wear them in Elle. Bitch.