Is it possible that my new girl-crush surpasses the old?

I have a well-documented obsession with Lauren Conrad.

And I no longer get my weekly fix.

Luckily season five part 1 is on shelves.

I am a victim of marketing....I will totally buy a magazine with LC on the cover...even if I don't want to "lose 2 pounds in one week!" or "new positions to wow your man!"

And I totally was on the
Kohls website trying to buy pieces from her line. Did you hear me?

But this hot little bitch is quickly becoming the fore-runner.

I watch The City for Olivia Palermo alone....not to watch Whitney do the "single ladies" dance with m-
fuf Roxy. (majorly fucked up face=
mfuf) (majorly fucked up body=

Why can't my ass look like that in liquid leggings?

Does she ever get it wrong?

Serious toss up as to who wore it better. Olivia should have had hair down. But the necklace is so
ehhh I can't decide.
Welcome back to the blogging world!
Blogging question-
ReplyDeletehow do you put text under pictures and then more pictures, text, pictures, and so on?