I've been a bad blogger recently, but lots has transpired in the past few days. So, I have a stress fracture...a bad one. It's really not thaaat big of a surprise. I had pain in my shins the past few weeks when running (training for the nyc marathon) but didn't think a whole lot of it. I ran the Philly Distance Run Sunday (a half-sie) and killed it (woop woop 1:39). Post-race, there I am...drinking a large frosty brew, hand deep in some nacho-fried-sobadforme-deliciousness watching the Eagles...happy as a pig in shit, when I realize I still have shooting pains resonating from my shin/lower leg. So I ask the bartender for some ice, and continue enjoying (well not really since the Eagles played like shit) the game. Still hurting hours later, I'm still convincing myself everything is cool. Monday morning: I can't walk. I'm limping around like goddamn Quasimodo. For the next few days I'm icing, taking it easy, planning my work attire around all the ballet flats I usually never wear, catching up on laundry and other asinine tasks, thinking I should get the gold star for my "recovery", but I'm still having shooting, excruciating pain radiating from my leg. I finally go to the sports doc today, hoping for a quick fix and some relief...but instead, I'm fucked. Hard. A "pretty serious" stress fracture in my tibia. Shhiiiittt.

Omg. This has happened to me too many times... I used to run at least 25 miles a week (I know its not that many but still) and since I have like, perpetual stress fractures, I can't run more than 3 miles at a time for the past few years (and zero miles on concrete/outside). It fucking sucks. Its funny though, I actually can't wear flat shoes because they give me shin splints, so thats kind of why I wear heels constantly. Get better soon!!!
ReplyDeletep.s. I love your last post. Laughed for awhile... and I think Mischa has seriously crazy eyes in the fat pic. I'd rather be skinny and crazy than bloated and crazy. lol
Love this post !