Don't judge me. That lyric is from All Time Low's "dear maria". Yes, I love music that 13 year old wanna-be hipsters/emo kids like. I was listening to it this morning on the way to work and its a total earworm...I can't get it out of my head! Anyway, going to be a low key weekend. I absolutely despise moving, but I have to. Since a hurricane is headed for the beach, I figured I'd get a head start on packing/moving/etc. Normally, Hurricane Bill would be great news! 10-14 footers, tasty breaks, day drinking outside (on a deck...covered by a tarp), and running house to house in trashbag "rain jackets"....hahaha good times. But, 1) I'm trying to learn this thing people keep referring to as "responsibility", 2) my parents hate me and refuse to help me move (which, is a distance of 36 miles....grrrrrrr), 3) last time I partied during a Hurricane I got a concussion, a sinus infection, several scrapes/bruises, and an empty bank account. Since yours truly is eating PB&J's for dinner these days....oh I digress. Anyhoo, I'm thinking of pirating the new G.I Joes movie and watching it while I pack/unpack. I fucking loved G.I Joes as a kid! I can't get over how my childhood memories/fantasies have been made into sweet -ass movies lately! Transformers, Batman, G.I. Joe, now if only they could make a cool Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie! (although the early 90's ones were pretty good, haha) So, on the topic of my planned illegal downloading, how efing awesome is it that Sienna Miller is the Baroness?!?!

Yeahhh giiiirllllll. Do work!

Aside from the latex are some other awesome Sienna looks....I love the middle one!
The "genie" pants without looking like a tard. Round of applause.

Simple, summer, white.

White fringe. Nice detour from the black. I'm not usually a fan of fringe, but I love this.

Another acceptable take on the "genie" pants.

Awesome pairing of the jacket and tights with the color of the dress. Best bangs ever.
Bright floral done right.
LegallyBlonde's pick! Best look!
Single handedly changed my mind about cowboy boots...not just for backwoods degenerates anymore! I never thought I would own a pair, but with a cute summer dress...soooo clutch!
great post! The fringe dress is awesome and I pretty much hate fringe. And the GI Joe/first set is sooo stripper hot. Haha I love your blog, I feel like we are kindred blogging spirits or something reading your writing. Reminds me of... me. LOVE it!!!