Its times like this that I'm glad I named my blog something ridiculous rather than something quasi-serious or in-reference to something involving fashion; it allows me to devote entire posts to celebrity commentary without feeling as though I am straying from the focus of the blog. Because, really, anyone reading a blog dubbed "So Hot Right Now" and thinking I take myself remotely seriously should set themselves on fire. punched gossip-blogger Perez Hilton in the face. When I heard this news, I fist-pumped. Perez has made a career of talking shit on people and upset when karma rolls. And, I would like to highlight the obvious...never call a black man a faggot. You will get punched in the face, you stupid fuck. I have no doubt is completely reasonable. The fact of the matter is, most people do not take being called a vulgar expletive lightly.

"My life, would suck, without food" haha get it? So apparently Kelly Clarkson is tired of the fat jokes. Well, on one hand, I feel her. That sucks everyone makes fun of you, and it sucks that the media is obsessed with celebrities needing to be "skinny" and "hot". But, it's just so easy. Let's compare her on tour in 2006 with an appearance last week. Maybe if your obesity wasn't coupled with the fact that you've been dressing like a blind Sunday school teacher, Hollywood would be less vicious. Same can be said for Jessica Simpson. Yeah, I hear you...I would not someone to be snapping photos of me with a raucous hangover after a late night pizza binge walking down the street in scrubs and a "tri-delt rush 2004" t-shirt. But you know what? I am not efing famous. Hey Jessica and are famous. So don't walk out of the house looking like shit and people will be nicer about the 30lbs you've gained. How about a forgiving wrap dress in a dark color, some large shades, and a nice nude stiletto? If this were a Venn-diagram, capes, moo-moos and daisy-dukes with an elastic waist would all go in the "not slimming" circle.....

I feel worse for Kelly only because she never tried to be Britney Spears or the next sexy pop star with a 6-pack. Jessica Simpson washed a car in a bikini for her music video and did a Rolling Stone cover in her underwear. Don't try to be a sex-symbol unless you're willing to put in the effort.

Guess who's preggers? Tom "I-left-my-last-supermodel-girlfriend-after-she-had-a-kid" Brady better not repeat history.....

Apparently dating? Hey if things don't work out, I know this cute blogger that might be interested.....

I know she's a big bag or crazy, but she looks amazing for 38.

You ass. Chris Brown admitted yesterday that he beat Rhianna, punched her in the face, choked her, and hasn't shown the slightest bit of regret or remorse.

Right, so he punched her so hard, he caused her mouth to fill with blood, and splatter it all over his vehicle.

And the LA prosecutors agreed to a plea that let him walk away without one fucking day in jail. 180 days of community labor in his home state of Virginia. So, when I got caught with a fake i.d. in college (in Virginia) and had to wash fire trucks, the state of California sees the same punishment fitting for a guy that beat the living shit out of his girlfriend. This is why I want to be an attorney....for the state.

I just watched the video for/heard the song "ego" over the weekend. Anyone else think a song about JayZ's schlong is a little awkward? Eh, I digress. Oh, wait....what is she wearing? I think my mom has that shirt. Yeah, she definitely does. She got it on sale at Dress Barn.
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