Some of the best.

I will live in outfits like this over the weekend and this summer. Jorts are the most underrated item of clothing ever created.

MK's hair becomes its own entity at times. Hey, at least she experiments with different looks. Pretty hair can get boring after a while (cough, LC, cough). * I was just struck by lightening...* I will never speak such blasphemy again.

Note the teal shoes with all black. I'm a huge fan of the top hat at right.

Awesome Awesome Awesome chartreuse dress. I want that bag.

I think they both pull off brunette very very well. MK always does alot more smokey eye when she is darker.

Pretty hair!!!! They look so chic here.

If I could go back and do prom, that would be my inspiration. I'm totes bringing out the white jeans this weekend.

They know how to do the red carpet so well...a league of their own.

Obsessed with both looks. Hey, Jessica Simpson, see left and take notes.
Barf city. The brunette look looks terrible, so obviously artificial it looks like my 3 year old took his favorite poop colored crayola and smeared it all over their hair. Ditto on the red carpet shots. Just because it's different doesn't make it good. Your love is blinding you. Get help while you still can.