I am an awful little blogger these days. Ok, so sorry my life is awesome and I haven't had a moment to spare in recent weeks, but I've been traveling, laxing, working, and exploring to my heart's content and basically enjoying how great life is....i.e. I've been crazy busy. So I will take this opportunity (read: lapse in a unusually slow work day) to catch up.

Two weekends ago, went with Mancandy to NYC (via Hoboken, NJ). Saw a few of my besties, partied hard, and thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of spring.

Day drinking on roof-top bars with way too much of this.....

NYC has the best brunch ever....we spent 3 hours Saturday on mimosas and eggs Benedict.

LegallyBlonde's new home! My new building in Philly!! 18th Floor, baby.

Takes wayyy too much self-control to not want to grab one of these bad boys every day.

Oh the morning commute. I-95 and Septa...I don't recommend trying BEFORE you have your morning coffee...

Draft picks 2009....Fly Eagles Fly....Maclin and McCoy.

I swear to god we have the best fans ever. Sorry I'm so swelled with Philly pride right now, but the Flyers kick-ass.

I'll be here Sunday....pre-Point-to-Point. Broad Street Run before copious amounts of alcohol and horse racing.

Lacrosse is almost over. I'll miss my little kiddies, but sort-of excited to get my weekends back. I'll be dying sticks all day Saturday.

Instilling the important values of the game on young minds.

It was 90 degrees last weekend. So Hot Right Now. Spent Sunday laxing and tanning, and Saturday bbq-ing, day drinking and cornhole-ing. See pic above for reference.

Oh you sexy beasts. Seeing Fall Out Boy in concert tomorrow night!!!!!! I guarantee I will be one of the oldest people there.

I hate them. Honeymoon in Mexico + Swine Flu + the most irritating, self indulgent, photo whore, no-talent assclowns on television= this monstrosity.

Last season (tear). Even though life has been insane recently, I don't/can't/won't miss an episode.
Again, totes apologize for the lack of posts in recent weeks.
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