I feel like I have so much to comment on....this is going to be a loong post!

Not one of my favorite actresses (blow=awesome, vanilla sky=annoying, best actress?=please...even if it was a woody movie), but she looks absolutely amazing here. wtf? Where has your style sense been? The dress at the Oscars (Vintage) was awesome and now this? Siiick shoes too.

That hair is gross. What was wrong with the honey blonde? I'm all about experimenting with color, but this is wayy too ashy or something. That colorist should be dragged into the street and shot.

I love giant bows. The Louis Vuitton show. Bunny ears? hmmmm.

Leighton Meister...totes rocking this look. I'm a heel kinda girl. People who can pull off legit sneaks are my idol(s).

WEINER DOG! Heather Matarazzo all grown up! Please rent Welcome to the Dollhouse.

My 2nd fav....you know. Not quite as yummy as Ryan Seacrest, but close. Jay's hair wins though.

Amazing. I love the one-shoulder. David Letterman pics above and below.

I love that dress! We all know my obsession with plaid...but I like the collar on this.

Preggers Nicole did LOOKBOOK. Very Gaga.

Rachel Bilson. Perfect as usual. Proving the bruise scenario wrong! (haha...get it? Black and Blue?)

No and No. Common Whit. Another Grandma look with the Rose shirt. Barf.

I cannot wait for this movie. I almost died when I watch the trailer this past Saturday.

Uggs and polka dots? Unless this is purely for comfort between takes, tsk tsk Shanae. The blue is a little to 80s/bubblegum, but all is forgiven if this is part of the 90210 wardrobe. The white dress on the right however, is adorable. It's very similar to the one I posted a little while ago of Sienna Miller. The clogs are a little weird, but I love everything else!!
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