First and foremost.....Yotam Solomon. If there were a shoe equivalent of a tantric orgasm...this is it. omfg.

Doppelganger- (orig. German) 1) a ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart. 2) a person who has the same name as another, (syn. double, alter-ego)

I have been absolutely obsessed with these shoes ever since I saw the Olsens sporting them.

Lavnin is a shoe god...I shall bown down and worship. Yes... I still get goosebumps when I see them in photos. So Hot Right Now.

JACKPOT!!!! Alice + Olivia for payless $38.00??!?!?!?!?!?! I'm going after work today!!!

Side note: I really miss jorts weather. I just want to rock my jorts!!! That top is sick, p.s.
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