Another busy week! Ugh where have the days gone! Good news is my life is falling into place rather nicely. I've finished up my law school applications, been on some wonderful dates with a new mancandy, and got a job interview with an awesome firm! Sigh, I wish I was working in the world of fashion, however a new company and paycheck upgrade never hurt regardless.

Alot of people think Lauren Conrad has really boring style. While I can definately see where they are coming from, I love her classic simple style. I would never call her a fashion icon per-se, but she does nail the effortlessly chic, never scruffy style.

Oh Kate. When will you wow me again? Kate in her glory days making menswear look hot.

Kate Beckinsdale is always hot or miss. The jeans are miserable, but I really really really love that top. Her hair is always amazing as well.

My take on menswear/laundry day. Had to sport leggings because my jeans were all in the laundry....not a fashionista yet....
Again, could be construed as boring but this is totally something I would wear grocery shopping. I mean, are we really expecting her to wow us at Whole Foods? Thumbs up, homegirl.
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