Yes, I have a crush on lc. The Hills is my major guilty pleasure. I feel like my street cred would be ruined for watching such a staged display of all things I hate about my age group, but I simply cannot get enough. I watch religiously...with the exception of good Monday night football match-ups, in which case I dvr...or catch the mtv repeat at 11:30.

Why am I so obsessed with this group of utterly stupid, yet good looking and charming rich kids? I have a few theories. 1) The self-reflexive-ness. I do not drive around L.A. in my Mercedes or casually shop for Louboutins or take weekend trips to Las Vegas on my private jet. And, I could only hope to have hair an iota as nice looking as lc's. However, my friends and I do similar (albeit much more normal) activities and share some of the same experiences; summer shares at the beach, crappy unpaid internships and tedious first (badly paying) jobs, interesting love triangles and back stabbing friends. Theres no Justin Bobby or Speidi necessarily, but my friends and I certainly wade in the pool of professional deadbeats (surfers/skimmers/boarders in general, the van wilder 25 year old students, hot bartenders, etc.) and we all have that awful, vomit inducing "couple" clinging to the perimeter of the incestuous group of friends. I am not comparing myself to Lauren Conrad, but there is something all-too familiar about being 22.

2) The girl can dress. Her clothing line aside, I think she deserves a friggin medal for casual style and mixing high and low priced items. Lo, Audrina, Whitney and she-Pratt all know how to dress themselves well (aside from the occasional miss-step). Heidi....not so much. I enjoy analyzing the fashion on the Hills more than say Gossip Girl, because there's more of an element of attainability. It's somewhat comforting to know that even if you make $75,000.00 per episode, you still shop at Forever21 and American Apparel. And, even if you could buy a thousand Chanel purses, you still cling to the one your ex-boyfriend bought you.
3) While writers can do a pretty good job of nailing teen angst, you can't write/fake stupidity/cluelessness (despite many a debate as to whether the Hills is scripted). "I'm a bad dater. I'm the most socially awkward person, like carrying on conversations and stuff."-lc. I know if there was a camera following me all day, they might catch a few choice lines as well. But not everything said is as flighty. "Shoes make me happy." Lauren Conrad might just make a facebook quote or two.
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