As the unofficial winter break comes to a close, my posse begins to dissipate as each travels back to their irrespective schools, homes, jobs, etc. causing me to get super nostalgic. One friend finally graduated college this past weekend and of course we a had a huge blowout in her honor Saturday where much debauchery ensued. We began discussing our lives in and since high school, dove through old photos, and swapped stories. Such discussion gave me the fodder to dedicate a post.

This was taken the weekend after this past x-mas when we convinced the girl on the far right to throw a party of "high school proportions". Clearly, so much has changed since we were 18. We are all very responsible drinkers and oh so mature these days. Yours truly is face down on the far left.

Classier version of the same picture but 3 years earlier, less ridiculous, and does a pretty good job of cataloging our favorite pastime...can you guess?(hint: look at the tables).

My favorite photo. This was taken prior to a Lacrosse game in which our respective boyfriends and/or guy friends were playing for the State Title. So, we collectively decided to make t-shirts with catchy phrases of support/cheers/etc, i.e. "Common Rob, make 'em sob" and other limericks that would make our guys blush and our English teachers proud. We also decided that even though the weather forecast called for torrential downpours and thunderstorms, we would somehow be immune. Let me give you an equation; white t-shirt + non-permanent marker + water= a scandalous, inky mess before the game was called at half time. Thanks for the memories......
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