Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Its shitty out today. Normally, I couldn't care less since I'm in cube nation 9-5, but I was seriously enjoying the gorgeous hot weather we've been having. Hopefully this weekend will be nice. I was such a waste of life on the beach Saturday. After my vodka fueled brunch, I sizzled on the beach for 7 hours. Now I'm a nice sweet potato/burnt sienna color and doubling my odds of skin cancer...yum.

ManCandy keeps my from hating my yuppie-reeking existence. P.S. http://www.mojohd.com/mojoseries/threesheets/ this show is awesome.

I'm also a firm believer in the idea that having the same vices makes a relationship stronger.

I need a real vacay....like out of the country.

I would give annnyyyythinggggg

So gorgeous. Well, I'll think about this when I get my tax refund/stimulus check next year.
Until then, things that don't make me hate life....


  1. thanks for your comment :)

    Your blog is also awesome. I love the collection of photos from your last post especially! The "you're never too old to shotgun" pic made me laugh!


  2. i know how ya feel, weather gets me down too especially living in this godforsaken city. 80 degrees one day 45 the next. i need a vacay too and your destination looks quite perfect, greece..right? love it, very beautiful.
